I’m freaking out. Yes, the nation is going to complete shit, and 47 hasn’t even been officially gotten into power yet. But I’ve got a micro-singularity occurring in my life. Let’s look at my basic budget:
I receive about $1900 each month. I make $16.80 each hour, and work somewhere between 35 and 40 hours each week. My fiancee, used to bring in at least $950 each month from her SSI disability. However, last month, that was reduced to $137, and come to find out, now they’re going to be taking $94 of what’s left for back payment of overpaying her $5,200. Why? Because I took on the full responsibility of the rent. She took on the responsibility of the other bills. Life worked, we were good.
Our rent is $1,650. Electricity is about $150. My transportation to/from work is $90 (bus pass). Oh, and I forgot about Health Insurance ($45). That totals $1,935. Now for the luxuries: The phone bill (two lines) is $180. Her iPad is $110, home internet is $130. That’s $420, for a total of $2,355. Oh, but I forgot about other household necessities, like soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, and toilet paper. And let’s not forget about food. Now, my fiancee does receive food stamps, but it's only like $250/month. But we eat more than amount each month, and that’s only eating one meal (dinner). Oh, and coffee. We can’t forget about coffee!
The above health insurance, was just for me, because I can’t afford the insurance my employer offers. That’s like $200 each month. My fiancee has MassHealth, but, she just discovered the other day, that if you don’t earn a minimum of like $500-something, then you no longer qualify for MassHealth. So there goes her insurance, and her prescriptions.
As you can see, our budget is already massively underwater. And this is before the truly terrifying stuff that Trump’s Administration is promising: Tariffs, deportation of workers, getting rid of overtime, killing social security, being unable to get health insurance. So, please forgive me for not giving a damn about people who voted for Oppression and Fascism to be delivered to this Country. I’m trying not to freeze to death in the coming months.
I’ve been looking for a new job since 2022. I’ve got Plantar Fascitiis, so most standing jobs are out of the question for me. This really sucks. I’m going to go cry in a corner now.