A Star Trek Dilemma...
The Often Overlooked Morality Used for a Plot Device of Three Movies.
“The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few or the One.”, is a quote that is used back and forth and turned on its head during the course of three fictional movies set within the Star Trek Universe, that is The Wrath of Khan, The Search for Spock, and The Voyage Home. And while I was meditating during my morning shower, I got to thinking about this very concept, as it heavily relates to what has been occurring within the United States over the past week or so. Currently, the needs of the many are being sacrificed for the needs of the few. Or, using different terminology, the needs of the many (Working Class People) are being sacrificed without consent for the wants and desires of the few (Wealthy Elites).
The American People are sacrificing what little financial resources they have for subpar, at best, health insurance that more often denies coverage to the financial benefit of the corporate executives. What’s worse is the upcoming Federal Administration. Lead with a Presidential Cabinet filled with Billionaires. I’m sure the needs of the Few will greatly outweigh the needs of the Many. Especially with the plans and playbook of the Mandate for Leadership that they’re coming armed with. But the kicker is that many of us, We The People do not consent with this!
In the above mentioned Star Trek movies, the actions of Kirk and crew were all performed on a consensual basis. These brave people, who went on a personalized mission to rescue a dear friend, potentially sacrificed their careers, perhaps even their livelihoods (although, I’m not sure how futuristic Star Trek society functions) to get their friend back, because they believed that the needs of the one meant more to them than their own collective (many) needs. And that’s the point I want to shout loud and clear. These fictional characters all consented prior to the potential sacrifice. Over half the nation of the United States did not consent, we either voted for Harris, or some didn’t vote at all. And in either case, over 51% of the population does not want this man in power. Yet, here we are, facing outright tyranny and overt oppression from a tiny group of people who wield all the power, and a majority of the wealth of this Nation.
So the question is, what can we do about it? Certainly, sitting back and just letting what’s about to happen isn’t the answer, neither is rolling with it. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been kicked in the balls. It hurts. A lot. I’ll be damned if I’m going to be kicked in the crotch by some greedy ass wealthy thugs over the next four years. And I know there are a lot of other people who want to stand up and fight too. But, unlike what a single person did in the streets of New York City did last week against one particular wealthy, and wretched CEO, I don’t think gunning down the wealthy elites is the answer. First of all, they are much too heavily guarded for such a ploy to work. This includes not only the personal security forces, but also the full power of our corrupted judicial system—and make no mistake about it, was created to protect the wealthy people in power against all of us poor folks. The wealthy also have the protection of the various police departments, but also command the national military.
What we can do may seem small and insignificant, but I believe when we all work together as a collective, individual sacrifices can make a large difference. Let’s de-fund the mega-corporations, insurance companies, and perhaps even the Federal Government itself. It sounds like suicide, and in fact is, when performed on a small scale as a bunch of incohesive individuals. But everybody stopped paying health insurance, if everybody stopped paying federal income taxes, if everybody stopped going to Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger. That would make a difference.
Of course, the flip side of this argument is that the Federal Government just prints money out of thin air. What can we do about that? There was a Christmas movie or cartoon I remember watching as a child, about a poor village and the king or landlord, or whatever would heavily tax the citizens. However, come winter time, the icicles, were made into coins, and the citizens used these newly minted ice-coins to barter with. Everybody was happy and had the things they needed to prosper—but only during those cold winter months. Decentralization is here with Web3 technology. NFTs, and digital currencies are a thing. Maybe it’s time we just abandon the centralized money schemes, such as the United States Dollar, and moved toward something new, that’s easily created by just regular people? But what could be created that could retain value?
I think we need to ask ourselves, what do we as individuals hold as valuable? Surely, tangible things like shelter are valuable, but I believe there are more intangible things, like humor, creativity, warmth, even kindness and love. The best part about using these things is that they are unlimited. There is no scarcity. There is no lack. And therefore, greed can’t exist. In fact, I don’t believe any of the Seven Deadly Sins can exist within a system of unlimited currency. How do you hoard love? By not giving it to somebody else? But all that does is nullifies your own currency. You become poor. You’ve created your own insufficiency.
I long for the day, which I believe is coming very soon, potentially within a couple of years, that we do away with the concept of limited, finite monies. We are Creator Beings. We are the only biological presence on the planet (that we can see), that has the ability to create, to actually manifest our desires into reality. And we are powerful beings. I believe that when we as a majority of people transition from Consumerism to Creativism, that we will no longer have to wrestle with the question of Do the Needs of the Few or the Many Outweigh More? Because we will be able to create total abundance of everything that we need.