Today, Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius. A sign that represents collaboration, collective well-being, embracing technological advancement, and awakening spirituality. In a nut shell, good times are coming, and it all starts today!
But before anything new can be built, the Old Ways must be removed. You certainly wouldn't want to drink from a cup that's been filled with mud, right? There are two primary ways to build a new: Complete Destruction/Demolition or Gradual Replacement/Upgrades. For the best of Humanity, this rebuilding will be the fast, painful variety. And we're already witnessing it. The Demolition of America, by power-hungry, greedy, wealthy, old men, who have been not only corrupted by wealth, but intoxicated by it. Fortunately, this system is totally unsustainable, and is in the process of collapsing.
But instead of giving a macro explanation of the new age, which can be found with a quick Google Search, I'm going to reflect on the Ages I've experienced as an adult, beginning with Sagittarius in 1995.
That was the year I joined the Air Force. I was completely responsible for myself, no longer a burden to my father or stepmother. It was an age of exploration, self-determination. It was the time for me to discover whom I would become. My career. My relationships. But, it wasn't for me, rather, it was for everyone else. I built my life around computers, technology, and service and support for others. It was the era of my Technical Help Desk, discovering what Love is, and assuming my role within a pre built society.
Then in 2008, Capricorn entered the scene like a wrecking ball. I lost my career, went into survival mode, and became a mere number to those who understood the energies of Wealth, Power, Hierarchical Organizations, and Manipulation of Others. I found myself slaving in warehouses, in prison, and hustling to just survive. But during this time of darkness, I discovered Wicca, Shadow Work, and truly wanted to make myself better, but not for anyone else. This was for me. This is my life, not Joe's or Susan's. And only I had the power to truly change it. I discovered what authenticity is, and began living as my true self. I transgendered into the feminine I had always wanted to be growing up.
The Aquarian Age, now standing before me at the end of 2024, has me excited, yet calm. I'm realizing that I just need to let go. I cannot control the destruction that is happening all around me, but I can keep my eyes open and put on a god-damned helmet to preserve my sanity. I'm seeing people all around me scratching their heads, thinking, and communicating, this system is broken and is harming everyone and everything! But most importantly, people are actually doing now. They are organizing, supporting others in need, we are rebuilding.
As I showered this morning I saw a vision. My favorite restaurant was surrounded by a construction crew. Bulldozers, cranes with wrecking balls, and workers wielding shovels stood by, awaiting their orders. And the destruction, the smoke, dirt, and horrid noises of bricks being smashed were painful. But then, I watched as the lot was cleared, and smoothed. A foundation was erected, then walls went up, with glorious colored windows that allowed sunlight to kiss the interior carpets. Fresh and vivid paint decorated the newly built walls, and a lush garden invited birds and other pollinators enjoy and share delicious nectar. What has just been built was a wonderful community center, filled with art and foods, and culture and sharing with anyone who has interest.
So, despite all the doom and gloom and fear mongering, I feel optimistic, that hope is still among those of us who hold positivity and light, and friendship and love, who share unconditionally with respect and dignity for all people. The Demolition Crew is here. They are named Trump. And while I don't support any of his toxic rhetoric, I know it is necessary for right now to welcome a much better life.
Anybody need a hug?