I just read another note here on SubStack, and I got to thinking about recorded history. Why did the people of 1930s Germany do nothing to halt the genocidal atrocities of Hitler? And I feel that we are now beginning to realize why the People of Germany did seemingly nothing: What could they do? The people in Power currently, are maliciously dismantling the operating machinery of American Democracy. They taken the screws that are holding the cover plate carefully off, and thrown the screws away, not needing them anymore. Their plans aren’t to fix America, but to destroy it.
Now with the guts of machinery exposed, they are free to wreck all sorts of havoc on the delicate internal pieces that make America functional. They are going to go about cutting belts, prying gears and cogs our, and ripping the exposed wires and circuitry out with crude tools: screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, and even a sledgehammer. Hitler did similar actions, using the Weimer Constitution against itself, much like how the Heritage Foundation, and other far-right Christian Nationalists are using Trump to tear at the United States Constitution. History is indeed repeating itself.
It’s only been two days since Trump has been in power as of this writing, and he’s already fired people from jobs that they have done well. People with a good heart, who have mercy, and actual honor. He’s removed the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, something that I’ve known my entire life. In fact, I thought that the EEOA was actually a law, passed by Congress. That was yesterday, day two of Trumps official Presidential term.
Trump has admitted on national television that he had the 2024 Presidential election rigged. He has projected for four years that “the election was stolen”. Yes, that wasn’t merely projection, that was a projected foreshadowing. It’s nice to have wealthy friends who can dabble with classified/sensitive source code that could fundamentally alter the course of history of a nation, isn’t it? And speaking of friends in high places, one of his buddies gave not one, but two Roman Salutes on the same stage that featured Trump. If you’re not aware of what a Roman Salute is, just remember, that the Nazi’s stole that from history too, much like everything else Nazi’s do, because they are unimaginative copycats, who are only obsessed with money and the power to control. In short, they want to believe they are actually God the Almighty.
And much like how the Nazi’s used Christianity to breathe life into the Third Reich, Trump and his Conservative Evangelistic backers have done the very same. Trump and team NEMESIS (Notoriously Evil Malevolent Evangelicals Sponsoring Insurrectionist Shitheads) are going to work tirelessly to send American Citizens back to the 1850s, if not the late 1790s. Why do I suggest this? Just look up Trumps official bible. It has the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitutions, the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as some patriotic lyrics. Sounds great, right? Only the first ten amendments are included with his copy of the Constitution. I’m sorry, but you can’t just pick and choose pieces of the document that formulates our Nation. Those other 17 amendments are added to our Founding Document for a very real reason. They detail how our country is to operate.
But the truth is that the Conservative Party has been working at these screws for decades. The Heritage Foundation published a blueprint for how they want this nation to look. Just read the Mandate for Leadership, a mighty tome of over 900 pages, if you can stomach it. (I couldn’t, I threw up.) These people, and I’m using this term as lightly as possible, want to bring back the Aryan Race. So, great, you’re a biological, Caucasian male, with a lot of wealth, life’s looking pretty great for you moving forward. You’re allowed to be a misogynistic bigot, where you’ll employ human objects to labor tirelessly to harvest your food, drink, and luxuries, such as tee-shirts and blue jeans. You’ll live in your beautiful mansions with marble and gold plated duct work. But the fountains will majestically spew human feces into the smog and smoke filled air. You’ll live in your air conditioned homes while the rest of the world slowly turns into Tatooine, a desert world full of poor, impoverished slaves.
Let’s not kid ourselves either. It’s apparent, as a result of the complete fuckery of how this most recent election progressed that both the Republicans, as well as the Democrats are in bed with each other. Why do I say this? Because there is ample evidence that indicates an investigation should have been initiated, recounts should have been performed, yet the Democrats in power did absolutely nothing. They, along with the Religious institutions and the entire financial sector that creates the wealthy Elite are all having a sick orgy, partying hard with their loud music, booze, and junk food. While the rest of the world is watching, taking notes, and I pray that other nations don’t follow the United States of America, I’m sorry, the Assimilated Slavery States’ path towards darkness and repression. Because much like nobody likes an ASS because everything that comes out of their mouth is shit, and it stinks, I don’t want to see other people have to suffer because of a few useless wealthy PRICKS (Privileged, Racist Idiotic Child-Kidnapping Savages) in power.
They have swindled American citizens out of our Freedom of Speech. They took one particular social media platform that wasn’t contained by Their control and forced it into Their grasp. Many people who are on that specific platform have noticed a different feel, a vibe that is not the same as only a week ago. Something feels off that many creators just can’t put a finger on. And I imagine the full force of censorship will become unveiled shortly. Next, I guarantee They will come for your guns. It’s already been mentioned, if you’ve been paying attention, you know this is true. They are following a playbook, worked out the kinks in the blueprint, and will attempt to achieve ultimate power and success this time.
Are Americans strong enough to subdue this evil force of wealthy oligarchs? Will the rest of the world have to step in to prevent the ravenous raping of the rest of the planet to satisfy the lust of these Nemeses? I honestly don’t know. However, in the past few days of exploring non-American social media, I’ve been given a glimmer of hope. People of other nations don’t live in the abject poverty and militant oppression that Americans are taught by educational and media propaganda. People are reaching across oceans, learning foreign languages and communicating with love, showcasing ordinary lives of regular people, not celebrities and glamorized politicians (the Elites). Maybe if we can all come together, not just within in the borders of the ASS, but as an entire world, maybe we can all overthrow this diabolical ideology once and for all, and Humanity can truly prosper for everybody, not just a few oligarchs.