After they’ve round us all up, what will they do to us?
Will we rot in tents in the desert, slowly dehydrating to death?
Will they put us to work, to collect the strawberries the illegal immigrants used to collect for pennies?
Will they stand us up in a Court of Law[lessness] and accuse us of being immoral before being sentenced to natural life behind bars?
Will we be hung in a public square at high noon?
Will a group of vigilantes line us up against a wall, with somebody commanding, “Ready, Aim, Fire!”?
Will we go to sleep, never to reawaken because of a thousand cuts?
Will we suffocate in showers filled with gas?
Will we be fed something akin to Nightshade?
Will we even arrive at any destination off the bus or train?
Before our naked bodies are dumped in a massive pit, ablaze with flames?