Introducing.... ME!
Will a Magical Girl Really Save the Galaxy From Annihilation?
Good day! Please allow me to welcome you to my first post here on SubStack, and I'll tell you everything that you really didn't want to know about me in this post.
First, it's probably obvious by my page summary, that I adore anime. I, in fact, love the Magical Girl genre most of all, however, I miss the humor of the 70s and 80s. You know, that slapstick, stupid humor that some people might find as offensive? If you read any of my content, be prepared, here's a seat-belt. Buckle up Buttercup (where did that even come from, a movie maybe?) you're in for a ride!
Some of my favorite anime titles include Ah! My Goddess, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Tenchi Universe, Ranma 1/2, Shuffle!, Negima, and Happy Lesson, among others that I've forgotten about. I also like manga, one of my favorites, however, isn't Japanese, it's produced by an American, Fred Gallagher, I think, MegaTokyo! I love all the background stuff that the characters are completely ignorant of that he puts into the story. For mainstream television and movies, I like stuff like Police Academy, pretty much anything by Mel Brooks, Airplane!, and the Naked Gun, just to name a few of my favorite comedies. I also like action flicks, like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, (I also happen to like Star Trek too!). Books: I love Earth Children's series by Jean Auel, and Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. Oh! And how could I forget about Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series!
I have a number of interests beyond anime. I enjoy mythology, spirituality, wicca/witchcraft content, role playing games, computer stuff -- like coding, web development, and game design/crafting, and I've dabbled with practices in the S.C.A. (Society for Creative Anachronism). Finally, I love cats and ferrets, although I can't have any where I'm currently living.
Other crap you probably don't want to know about me is that I'm a trans woman living in Boston, MA. And although I think I'm quite talented, I work in a warehouse as a cashier/supervisor, rather than doing something productive, like software support (yeah, shameless plug, I'm looking for a new opportunity!)
Now, some of the projects I'm working on and the stuff you probably would like to know about, like what you’ll find here, why you should subscribe, and if I could ever leave my nine-to-five job and just write all day (hint), just kidding!
Magical Girl Misfits - The story of a newly graduated magical girl, Hikari Amaterasu, assigned to a secret military organization to defend the Earth from the mischievous Capitalists (or whatever else I dream up) and save the day, despite being an outcast. Her commander, Quinn Harper, a coffee addict who's only looking to retire transforms into a frilly girl when in magical form. Matilda Weber, the Goth/Emo girl who loves her heavy weaponry, like bazookas and assault rifles to take down enemies. Avery Fairchild, III, the tomboy tech genius who'd rather play video games than get dirty, and Kai Hart, the gender-fluid savior who holds the entire group of misfits together!
The Chains of Life fan fiction series - I began writing this collection of stories over a decade ago during a dark time during my life. All I had was my imagination, fragments of memories, and some paper with a gazillion ink pens. As I walked thought the empty hallways of my mind, exploring the shadowy areas of a life I despised, I piled all the dramas onto my favorite anime character, Fate Testarorssa, from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and became known throughout my small clique as a Character Sadist. It was here, confined to a small room lined with concrete that I developed my love of writing within the first person perspective and accomplished a great feat: One particular reader forgot he was reading a story! Although I lost the original manuscripts during one of my many relocations across the United States, I am in the process of rerecording these fabulous tales digitally for all to read and enjoy.
Learning a bunch of role playing games - I actually have quite a number of games in my digital library that are eagerly waiting to be cracked open with a group of awesomely minded individuals. I’ll be keeping the following list updated, but so far, I have the following game systems at my disposal. I’m a proud supporter of the people who create these works of fiction, and have paid for each game I own: ALONe, Anime 5e, Anime Action, Anime Campaign, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Cities Without Numbers, Exalted, Fate, Freeform Universal, Girl By Moonlight, Glitter Hearts, GURPS, HERO, iXe, Lasers and Feelings, Love and Justice, Madoka, Magical Burst, Magical Fury, MAID, OVA, Scion, Shadow Run, Sparks, Space Master, Stars Without Numbers, Toon. I have dedicated topics on my personal webpage for more information about these games, and I love a good discussion.
Astrology has become a major interest in my life, and I must say that it is complex! I’ll be adding some articles during the year of 2025 because of all the planetary chaos that’ll be partying in the heavens.
I have two fictional concepts I’m
working onbuilding up enough courage to write. The first is the ongoing diary of a cat-girl with a deplorable sense of bad luck. In Japanese culture, cats are considered signs of good fortune. But, being known as a sadist toward my fictional characters, I want to invite you for some fun as we torment Koneko Unzai with some hilarious laughs. The second adventure I want to pursue is sarcastic news journalist who reports major headlines, but analyzes them in her own weird ways.
Finally, if you’re feeling generous, but don’t wish to make a monthly commitment to my Newsletter, here is my CashApp. Perhaps you’ll grant some love that will allow me to purchase fuel for my caffeine addiction?
Oh yeah, and if you happen to enjoy the fusion of anime with role playing, I’m still looking to build an active community forum so that someday we can eventually take over the world— right after we do our homework, pay the bills, and slay some evil dragon hellbent on making the universe fuchsia for some strange reason.