Life is a Game of Chess
Deconstructing Modern Day Life and the Roles We All Play
This morning in meditation, I figured it all out! Life, and why is it so damned difficult. The way our modern day System oppresses people is so simple, and it’s been put in plain sight in front of our faces, even as children. Let’s look at a game of Chess.
We all know the pieces, and the roles they play. The game of Chess has specific movements for each piece. Pawns, Rooks, Knights, Bishops, the Queen, and the King.
The Pawns can only move in straight line, one square at a time, unless they are in battle with a diagonal opponent, then they can imprison their victim (removal from the board). Pawns represent the citizens of the Country. (I’ll keep this contained to the United States for simplicity, however, this concept can be applied on a global scale.) The Pawns are arguing about stupid shit, like race, gender, sexuality, religion, and politics. These are all simple distracting that get us Pawns into our feelings, and keep our attention away from the active theft that is happening right over our heads.
Next are the Rooks. These pieces can move any distance, so long as there are no other pieces blocking their travel, but they may only move vertically or horizontally. The Rook represents the Corporations, with very rigid structure, however, being on the outside corners of the board, they hold very little actual power. Their job in the game is to keep the pawns in line by keeping them occupied with a mix of productive tasks (such as harvesting food), and useless tasks (attending management meetings).
The Knights are very powerful pieces on the board, and the only one that has a complicated movement path. Knights always move in the shape of an L. It moves either two squares vertically and one square horizontally, or vice versa. The Knights represent the Nations military and police forces, which is why the movement appears to be complicated. They have to have the flexibility to do their job within Society, which is to jump around the rules and regulations to oppress the other pawns, and Powers that Be.
The Bishops represent the organized religion that has manipulated and suppressed the Pawns true freedom for millennia. However, as powerful as they seem, they may only move diagonally on the board. So much like the Rooks, they are bound by a set of regulations that keep their power in check.
These three pieces work collaboratively to ensure that the Pawns, whom outnumber the Powers that Be don’t get any crazy notions to overthrow the active oppression that has been taking place for thousands of years.
The Queen on the board represents wealth itself. Money, currency, transact-able tokens. Wealth is the true power that allows society to function, and the reason why the Queen represents money or wealth is because the Queen is in fact the most powerful piece on the board. She may move in any direction, at any distance. It’s also fitting that the Queen represents money, because wealthy rich men covet and lust after money. I’m sure if they could sexualize wealth they would do so. And they are trying, make no mistake about it.
Finally, we have the King. The wealthy fat-bastard, banker who sits atop of the world, the entire hierarchy. The king is fairly powerless though. After his pawns, and other power pieces have been stripped from him, his Queen may sacrifice herself to protect him, however, usually reserved as a move of desperation. Once a wealthy banker is separated from his wealth, he is indeed powerless. The King may only move one square, albeit, in any direction, and is forced under the most scrutiny according to the rules. If he is in danger, that is placed in check, then he must either make one his underlings sacrifice themselves, or move to safety. Once he’s put into a status of checkmate, then the game is over, the other team has won. The King never becomes imprisoned though, unlike all the other pieces, his defeat is death, and the game starts anew.
There actually is one final piece that is often overlooked within the game of Chess. That’s the board itself. Government, the rules and regulations of how to play the game define this component. It configures the playing area, defines the squares, and the rules tell how the pieces may operate within the game.
What I believe we are witnessing is the cusp of the game being reset. Most of the Pawns have been sacrificed. The power of the Bishops has been challenged, and eliminated by those pieces still en-play. The Rooks are loosing their hold over the Pawns, as they refuse to hire desperate people looking for income. The Knights are standing by for the order to execute a slaughter, meanwhile the Queen is completely exposed for who she is, Greed, Lust, and Gluttony. The King is nearly backed into a corner, unable to escape the consequences of his exploitation over the Pawns.
The Pawns are at a disadvantage. We realize that we have no collective leader. That we’ve been lied to, manipulated, and betrayed. But this is also our advantage. If only we can decide to put away the skirmishes of Race, Gender, Sexuality, Religion, and Politics, we can come together to see the true monster is the King, and has been for a very, very long time. But instead of resetting the board, with an identical system that’s oppressed people for hundreds of years, let’s choose to play a different game, where instead of one person hoarding everything, we choose to work collaboratively to benefit everybody. And yes, even that old, fat, bastard, ex-wealthy, billionaire too.