I’ve been thinking a lot over the past couple of days. Christmas is coming up. And much like, I’ve felt for the past couple of years now, Christmas is just… well it isn’t. I’m not feeling the vibe, that good ole fashioned cheer. Those jolly feel goods. The magic or spirit. The music doesn’t move me the way it used to. I mean, even “All I Want for Christmas is You” is feeling rather flat. And with all the drama and chaos that we’re seeing around the world, anxieties are running high, I’d rather focus my thoughts and energy on something more positive. So, I’m creating a running list of things that I would rather see manifest sooner rather than later, instead of consumable junk, that us typical American’s are used to getting each other for the Holidays. So, in no particular order, other than whatever the hamster in my mind’s wheel spews out, here’s my requests for the Universe.
An adequate, livable income source that doesn’t require me to stand all day. I’m not too picky with this one. Yes, I’d love a desk job with a guaranteed income of $50,000 per year, but I’m not really all that picky. I could write stories, advertisement, technical documents, fiction, comedy, hell, even computer code in a variety of languages, despite being significantly out of practice. And keep in mind these are just things that I know that I’m pretty decent at. There’s probably a lot more that I don’t even know about yet! I just ask that I don’t try to sell anything. I am so over the Capitalistic Machine that has dominated and ruined so many lives. Whatever it is that I’ll be doing, I want to be a positive benefit towards other people—and not the kind of benefit that simply enriches wealthy people to become wealthier. Bonus points if I could be helping marginalized communities, like the BIPOC or Trans communities.
A safe place for all people to live, to prosper. I live in the United States of America. Supposedly, the greatest nation in the world. A land where freedom is cherished, and there is justice and liberty for all. At least that’s what that pledge I was mandated to recite every day for years told me America was all about. But the U.S. is anything but safe, despite what several people on the Internet say about other countries around the world. But I look around and there isn’t a week that goes by in this country that I don’t hear about a school shooting. Hell, this past week, a CEO was shot, in cold blood. And we all cheered! Because we’re all sick and tired of being exploited in one way or another. I also want to expand on the word safety. This includes having access to a warm home. Where I don’t have to worry about the lights and heat being shut off. I guess this ties into the first goal I have. Everything in this country is tied to money and wealth. But what if things were provided for by our community as a whole instead? Furthermore, I dread thinking about this incoming Administration. The Clown Show. People being deported, people being locked up, or worse, forced further into slavery. People being executed just for trying to live an authentic life. Safety is all encompassing here.
To be free from pain. This one, I think is a no-brainier. Nobody really likes pain. I’ve fought with plantar fascitiis since April 2023. Every day, the pain is slightly worse. There’s not much I can do about it, other than ingesting 3,200 milligrams of ibuprofen every day. Being in pain just sucks the energy right out of me. I don’t have the motivation to do the fun hobbies I used to love. Things like role playing, even watching anime. I haven’t done these things in so long. Even just writing something creative like this feels like I’m pulling my own teeth out.
I want to Role Play again! I’m kind of piggy-backing on several of the above items with this one. For this to work, I need the free time available to find like-minded people, and befriend them. This seems nearly impossible in 2024, because just looking at somebody the wrong way can cause tension. But also, I need the free time just to get together with these newly forged friendships, and we need to collectively decide upon a setting and a game system. And of course, a location. Hell, even my forum website will do! (A shamless plug there.) I really like a good space opera, sci-fi setting, and of course, I’ll be playing an anime magical girl. What can I say, I’m hooked. But, it turns out not too many people are attracted to this configuration— I guess. Anyway, a girl can still dream, and maybe I’ll connect with at least one other person soon.
Rest. Yes, rest would be great. With all the drama going on, I know there are many of us who are simply exhausted. I would love the ability to not have to awaken every morning at 04:30 just to get ready to commute two hours to get to work. Then again, maybe I’m suffering from a severe case of burnout. It seems all I can manage right now is placing one foot in front of the other one, step by step. And end to all the chaos and drama. Maybe this ties back with the second item on my list. I’m just tired of the shitshow. I want to feel invigorated and excited to wake up every morning, a bright new day eagerly waiting for me, even it it’s pouring cats and dogs outside. Heck, it'd be really great if I didn’t have to even leave my home during those rainy days—unless I wanted to get soaked. Maybe this ties back to my first request?
Oh, great Universe of awesomeness, thou that knows me best… help!? Anyway, that’s my list so far. I may come back to add more stuff to it. But right now, I’m am tired, and it’s getting to be past my bedtime. Yeah, it sucks getting old. So here’s to wishing for all this stuff and much more positive stuff to actually manifest quickly, to rescue us! Are ya listening, Mister Universe? (Or is that Mistress?)