Day two of America’s Death, and I must admit that my mind has been throwing all kinds of wild dystopian ideas at me. I’ve watched commentary from both sides of America, both Progressive and Conservative. I have a genuine question, but please allow me to frame it. People who are cheering that Trump won, that you’ve voted to “Take America Back.”, or to “Correct Her Path”, or that “We needed a true leader”. Please explain to me what that looks like in your eyes. I doubt that I’ll get any real [intelligent] feed back, but I saw on TikTok last night, MAGAs were rubbing our faces in their MAGA hats, sneering that they won, boasting how prideful they are. I don’t understand what the reason is for such cheer.
Yes, inflation is an issue, but it’s been coming down. Immigration is a problem, yes. Propaganda works very well upon the weak-minded, those who fail to use their own eyes, ears, and brains to discern fact from fiction. Conservatives obviously are filled with rage and hatred, so much so that a blind person can see it. Hatred towards other Americans. Toward young people. Toward elderly people. Toward anybody not Christian. Toward anybody not heterosexual and cisgender. There’s no room for interpretation. Strictly black and white. How boring.
These people, the majority of American Citizens decided to ignore reason, morals, and ethics. They elected a person who has broken the law. Several times. Who has exploited multiple women in egregious ways. This person has taken money from others, and has failed to pay his own bills, declaring bankruptcy more times than I can count one hand. Conservatives, I hate to be the one to tell you, and I know I’m not alone. You’ve been hoodwinked. Lied to and manipulated. And you bought it, all of it— on credit even. Please allow me to explain why the OTHER half of the nation is currently shitting our collective pants.
Repression on Expression
Since the 2022 midterms, Conservative members in Congress and Governess in Southern Red States, have passed hundreds of laws against queerness. If you’re not straight and binary-biologically gendered, they have attempted to cancel your right of expression— to exist. You can also kiss your beloved Constitution farewell too. Because They want to indefinitely suspend it. That means no more freedom of speech, no right to bear arms (that’s right, guys, they’re coming for your guns too!), We already have no privacy, thanks to government surveillance and corporate marketing technologies. What? You think you can plea the Fifth and not self-incriminate yourself? Eh, we don’t need that either. It’s all right here, in our massive Texas-sized data center, captured from our spy programs and your social media feeds right from your pocket. You think there’s no such thing as cruel and unusual punishment. Just wait until those Nazi’s finally come out of the shadows. Yeah, you might want to read up on your history while you still have a chance. All 73 days that are left.
Retirement? What Retirement? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Retirement!
Conservatives want to completely gut social security. End up in a debilitating car crash? Who gives a fuck! Figure it out on your own. Just be sure to get your ass to work tomorrow, because we’re all a family here, and need you to bleed out your last drops of sweat and tears to maximize our profit margin. But be happy you’ve got a job too, because you’ll be working it until the day you die—or more accurately the day we can no longer extract a profit out of you. Oh, and grandma can’t stay in the nursing home either. You know we gotta maximize those corporate profits, so she’ll be living with you, in one of our Corporate Housing Centers, along with your three aunts who bicker about who’s macaroni and cheese is da bomb.
We Gots R Edumication in America Y’all!
They’re getting rid of the Department of Education. And they want to enlist every boy into the armed services. That’s called mandating the ASVAB test. Take a look at how the citizens of Israel live. Mandated military service — to propagate the American War Machine! And forget about remembering the Golden Oldies. Things like books, freedom of speech, anybody who dares to critique The Narrative will be outright banned. But, boy oh boy, we got a treasure trove of parables from our beloved book the Book of God.
It’s All Tem Darntootin’ Foreigners!
All those illegal immigrants who’ve come to America for a better life? Nationalized or not, Conservatives want to round them all up and deport them. Millions of them. You know, the people that work the farm land so that you don’t have to? Oh, and speaking about labor, say good bye to overtime pay, mandated work breaks, and probably accessible potable water to quench your thirst while you’re working under the non-climate-changing-beating-down-summer-heat. I hope you like working 12 to 14 hour days. But you won’t be working those long grueling shifts alone, because your preteen and adolescent sons will be in the fields (and or factories, because record breaking profits must be maintained) working right beside you.
A Woman Needs to Know Her Place.
Congratulations to anybody assigned female at birth, and probably starting damn near at birth, you’ve been promoted, to becoming a baby machine. Kind of like playing the slot machines at vegan, but you’ll be on your backside more than your bare feet. (This disgusts me to even imagine.) After all, with the world’s population in significant decline after a decade or two as all the old farts die off, we need to replenish the exploitable class, to buy our shiny shit that we’re producing in our glorious factories! So the new motto of this Great Nation will be, “Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.” Feel free to vomit. I know I feel it.
What’s the Plan, Man?
Now for the truly horrific part. It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to see that no country in their right mind is going to accept millions of refugees (brown skinned people) to flood their borders. So what is the Conservative Administration going to do with all these people that are rounded up. PRISON! That’s right. They’re going to be crowded in our already overpopulated criminal justice system. Of course, anybody who is white and NOT a sex offender will be released to help alliterative this problem. After all, the sexual abusers at the top running things don’t want competition on their property. Anybody who is part of the Alphabet Mafia, you’re instantly branded as a Sex Offender. Complete with a lifetime registration to guarantee that your life, assuming you’ll ever have one again is completely miserable and unlivable. Kinda reminds me of the Pink Triangles.
But that’s only Phase One. Because we know that’s not going to work, especially after the Economy completely implodes after the new fiscal policies are enacted. I believe the same thing happened in a small nation in Europe. When Germany had a misfit population epidemic in its lands— Welcome to the Internment Camp, or Euthanasia Center, or Population Displacement Area, or Concentration Camp. Maybe it’s a Tent City. Whatever the place will be named, I’m sure it’ll have some common features that Hitler’s camps had, complete with torture/debriefing rooms, and execution areas that work that double as rooms to wash away filth. But what to do with all this excess meat we now have? Oh, I know, we can sell it! You know, for the sake of Profit Margins. You like Soylent Green, right? Mmmm, tasty!
We’re Americans. Of Course We Love War!
And here’s the kicker. Nobody is coming to save us. Not even our buddy, Old Man Russia. No nation shall defy the mighty United States Empire. That’s right, be prepared to say your Pledge of Allegiance to a new flag, probably saturated with a tint of red, much like our new leadership sports, and it’ll no doubt feature a swastika. Maybe all those stars will be turned into tiny swastikas. In fact, we may loose some distinctive territories, only to be merged and consolidated. Places like New England, some parts of California, and New Mexico, will become war-torn rebellion states, making one last stand against the fascist tyranny and full force of the United States military. And don’t think for a moment that the oppression will be self contained to just the former land of the United States of America. After all, the rich kids want their shiny new iPhone 20’s. So after the remaining Blue areas fall, full attention will be directed at places with lots of goodies and resources. An nobody will be strong enough to stop the Hellfire that is the US Military. Even if the entire world united, which I really don’t see happening. Nobody will save the poor working American citizen slave.
To Be Determined…
But as a member of the Alphabet Mafia, I can take a certain level of comfort knowing that I probably won’t survive long enough to see any of this really pass. Despite screaming and shouting for help, I’m weaponless, and my partner is completely dependent on The System (which will be tugged out from under her feet— just take a look at the 20205 financial budget just released.). I’ll be rounded up, even before the Mainstream News creates a story about how Trans people are a threat to National Security. I’ll surely be executed, because I refuse to work as a slave to a criminal tyrant. I’ll see ya in my other incarnations someday.
Are you terrorized yet? You. Should. Be. This is only a sampling of what little I managed to choke down from the Mandate for Leadership (Project 2025), and now the newly disclosed America First project. Now please excuse me while I go vomit again.