I saw this and immediately thought, “Huh, I haven’t heard of the MS-13 in a while.” And that got me to thinking about the other images this person used. It appears to me that only Conservatives are using these identities, Cartels, Human-Traffickers, MS-13, Drug Smugglers, Terrorists, and well, obviously Democrats as Objects to Put the Blame on.
I can think of other groups whom built a wall, as a defensive tactic. The Soviet Union being the most recent example. This wall trapped people into economic destitution, lack of liberties, and a constant source of oppression with the use of Soviet propaganda and military might.
I was in middle school when the Soviet wall was torn down. I remember it was Regan, a Republican who ultimately got the Wall torn down in Germany. The Soviets erected that wall at the conclusion of World War 2, to safe-guard against a resurgence of National-Socialist ideology. The people outside of the wall in Western Germany prospered, along with most of Western Europe. However, inside the wall, the Eastern Block under Soviet control suffered massive inequality.
It’s almost like the Soviet variant of Socialism was just called Communism, but was truly more like Free Market Capitalism is called today. The masses enjoyed low, but equal pay, regardless of the jobs to be done, while the people in power, enjoyed huge sums of wealth, and a life of luxury. I hate to break this to people, but that’s not Communism. That’s State-Controlled Capitalism. Because the State owns the means of production for the benefit of a society.
Let’s look at some of these other groups of identities. Cartels and Drug Smugglers. They are pretty much the same group, with the hero being the War on Drugs. A Republican concept. We’ve been fighting this War since the 1980’s at the very least, and where have gotten? A Fentanyl epidemic. And something like 70% to 90% of the drug that’s seized is found on American citizens. We have an over-crowded prison-industrial-complex that produces slave labor on the cheap or massive corporations.
Terrorists and MS-13, again, two identities that basically mean the same thing. The War on Terror, was initiated when? 2001, maybe earlier, 1989? Both times during a Republican Presidency. We’ve been involved in fighting terror for decades now too, and look at where we are. The wars in the Middle East still rage on, and it’s of nobody’s surprise that this war is being funded by, The United States, to fuel the military-industrial-complex. And like much like the prison complex, our Politicians and Wealthy Elite are making major wealth from it. And in 2024, it’s obvious.
Human Trafficking, that’s something that could be lumped into either of the other two categories I’ve already mentioned, however, I feel that it deserves to be a separate identity. We know that most humans that are trafficked are most likely children, and this is in various forms, from out right kidnappings to our own Government forces, such as Child Protection Services. I’m not saying that CPS is completely rotten, there are some very bad parents who need to have their children rescued from abuse, however, I’ve read a number of stories that don’t fit the bill. Whether this is just part of the Main Stream Media’s narrative or not, remains be been seen. But again, we can reduce this to Republicans merely pointing the finger of blame, rather than actually doing something about it. Shall we look inside the Church too? Oh, dear god, no. Let’s not do that!
Finally, the identity of Democrats. With the recent election results, and just how bizarre this entire election cycle has been, I have come to the determination that perhaps the Democratic Party (it’s leadership) and the Republican (again, leadership) are really just two sides of the same coin. Bending their collective knee to the Mega Corporations, who feed them a steady supply of money, wealth, and prestige. But for the sake of this image, again, this is nothing more than the Republicans pointing the finger of blame that the Democrats are the problem.
But what’s that problem? We should probably take a moment to at least identify the actual problem. I personally believe that the all the problems we have right now in society can be boiled down to one single word: Slavery. If you think about it, our way of life, and what’s needed to be done, day in and day out, sure there’s some freedom, but if you’re poor, like me, that freedom is nothing but an illusion, and the lights can be shut off in a heartbeat. You go from one form of slavery: Working a job. To another form of slavery: Imprisonment. And once you’re released from that imprisonment, you’re still a slave, but of a higher magnitude. Now your also a burden on society as well, because you’re also a criminal and shunned from society.
Until we as a collective finally band together and think up of a System that truly works for everybody, where everyone may prosper, and we can eliminate the greed, which is the source of all the Lack in the world, we’re doomed to keep repeating history, over, and over, and over again. Personally, I think that we as a Society need to move away from identifying labels and oppressive heirarchies, such as Governments where a small group of people have power over a larger group of people. But I certainly can’t think of any real solutions. There are some things that others have proposed, but this article is already long enough. Maybe some healthy discussion is in order?