I often end up meditating while taking a shower in the morning. I’m still groggy from awakening, usually at 04:30 every day, including my weekends because my bladder has it’s own alarm clock running. This morning I had an epiphany. Everybody’s heard of the Four Elements, right? If not, I’ll briefly explain.
In Wicca there are Four Basic Elements. Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. There’s also a Fifth Element, Spirit, but I’ll get into that in a moment. I realized that the Four Elements, usually known for magical workings and stuff within Wicca, are actually even more basic, more mundane than what’s typically taught. They are in fact needed for life. Period. Think about it with me for a second.
Air is needed to breathe. Without air, we suffocate, and die. And, it’s even mentioned in the Christian Bible, the Breath of Life, yada, yada, yada. We as human beings need air. It’s a basic necessity, and often overlooked. We need clean, breathable air. Luckily, Capitalists, I mean Parasites haven’t figured out a way to make human beings pay for the luxury of air, yet. But they are working on it. The truth is, if they could find a way to make people pay for it, they’d be eternally wealthy. Why do you think Musk wants to get to Mars? Because he can then charge for the production of air! Admittedly, we can only survive for at max five minutes without oxygen. It’s our most needed necessity.
As tempted as I am to go out of my original alphabetical order, and jump straight to the next most needed necessity, I’m going to keep with my original alphabetical order. Earth is needed for shelter. This is indeed the first basic element that the Elite figured out how to make people pay for. We all need shelter. Even without a heat source, shelter keeps us dry and out of the raging weather. It keeps us safe, and allows us privacy. In fact, it is the Element of Earth, that founded the Rights of a Citizen in early America. If you owned land, you could vote, you could be an actual citizen. You have power. But the Element of Earth extends beyond just shelter. Every material item we have access to, from these computers we’re using today, to the clothes we wear, all come from some form of Earth. The Element of Earth also represents materialism. And as I already mentioned, it was the first Element to be commodified as a consumable. We have to pay monetary units to have access to Earth, which is really provided to everyone on Earth as a gift. The Parasites have stolen the Element of Earth from all of us.
The Element of Fire is raw energy. It provides light, heat for cooking, warmth during the cold months. It is the Element that can be most easily transformed into electrical power. The Parasite Class easily stole the resources— found within the Earth, and commodified them to be sold to everybody else. But the Element of Fire also has another meaning, passion, creativity, drive. Yet the Elites managed to commodify this aspect to. Fire represents your action, your labor.
Water, the final Element of the Four Basics is needed because most of life itself is comprised of the majority of water. You can only survive a couple of days without it. You’ll go crazy during a prolonged lack of water. Water is needed for good hygiene, to prevent sickness, to ensure that your body remains healthy. Water is necessary for digestion too. In fact, the acid in your stomach, is nothing more than water, with a pH of like two. And Water too, has been hoarded by the Elite Class, and is sold to everybody else.
Indeed, the Four Basic Elements are needed for life itself. When combined, a Fifth Element is produced. In Wicca, we call it Spirit, however, a more scientific term may be applied: Life. Specifically, life in the Natural world, in the Material world, but also in a Society sense too. To have a Life, means to be doing things, beyond simply surviving. You have friends, you communicate, you create, you foster relationships with love. But if you take away just one of the Basic Four Elements, Life, or Spirit, simply stops. It dies. It ceases to exist.
The Wealthy Elite of the World know this basic truth. But their greed has run away from them. It has consumed their consciousness. They have been blinded by the shiny, the money, and they want it all. It’s time to take back our power as People, as Human Beings, as Life itself. Remember, when society collapses because the Economy will stall—it has to when there’s no more fuel in the engine, remember the Four Basic Elements of Life. We need all four to survive. Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. Collect these resources in that order, and you’ll be fine. Uncomfortable at first, but you’ll be fine. Find some books on basic old fashioned made goods and survival.
Using a damp rag over your mouth will help you purify the smoggy air.
Running water through layers of grass, sand, charcoal powder, and large rocks will help to purify water to drink.
Using a convex lens with the sun on some dry tinder will create a flame.
Building a wall will shelter you from the wind.
The Elite can never take away your knowledge and experiences. You can always craft new tools. And you can learn quite a bit from reading fictional books. I read Jean Auel’s Earth Children series (Clan of the Cave Bear), and picked up quite a bit of useful survival knowledge, that I gained in a fun and interesting way. But be warned: It’s six massive tombs of great story!