The Game is a Foot?
The truth about the pain in my ass: Plantar Fascitiis.
I took this morning in a vain attempt to determine what’s going on. As you can see, there’s nothing obvious. However, I thought it would be interesting to share a new form of art to me, of me. Yes, that’s my right foot. So anybody with a foot fetish, have all the fun you want with it. No it doesn’t feel good. It aches constantly, and don’t you dare touch it, because the only thing I’ll feel is the sensation of a thousand nails or maybe railroad spikes pounding through the sole of my foot.
Although, nothing stands out at first, a closer look reveals quite a bit of swelling. This is what plantar fascitiis appears to look like externally, after months of suffering with the condition. And I want to give a shout out to Capitalistic America for making this possible. I’m unable to get the care I need, and fear eviction from the tiny home I’m put together over the past five years because I can’t afford to take care of myself.
But if you want to see something that is interesting, let’s take a look at my left foot! Yes, this is the true troublemaker in my life. I developed plantar fascitiis all the way back in April of 2023, and it all began with this foot. It has some character, wouldn’t you say?
That, on my heel, which I thought was a blister, is actually at cavern. I’m not sure what the correct medical term is, all I know is that it hurts. This condition seems to present itself during the winter months, but usually, it’s only confined to my finger tips. In fact, typing this right now, is a painful endeavor. Anyway, this is the first time this condition has emerged on my feet, and because I have to stand and walk all day, there is zero relief, and an equal chance for allowing this to heal. By the way, you foot-fetish people, you’re welcome. 🤣
After some research, I found that Aloe Vera can help with cracked skin like this, so I’m hoping that with a thick application and rest tonight (wish I would have looked at this last night before bedtime…), my foot will be as good as new by Saturday, or at least semi-functional. But in the meantime, I’ll have to present myself at work today for one last day before my weekend. I think I’ll time my 11 minute walk from the bus stop to my employer this morning, because I’m genuinely curious how long it will take me to hobble to work this morning. The only thing that will suck is that it’s only like 25°F here in Boston right now, and that’s a cold walk, especially when the wind is blowing.
I honestly believe that my determination is going to eventually kill me. Between the intense pain that I suffer though, I’m sure that adds stress to my physical body and internal organs, such as my heart, but also by the side effects of ingesting too much pain medication. 4,000 mg of Ibuprofen taken daily seems to be wrecking havoc with my kidneys and stomach, while the 3,000 mg of Tylenol is greatly increasing my risk for acute liver failure. Not to mention the risk of heart attack or stroke. But what’s a middle-aged, anime obsessed girl supposed to do who’s stuck living in a deteriorating capitalistic hellscape? Take time off to rest? Normally, I’m the one who’s batshit crazy, but my friend, this is the United States of America! We don’t need to give our people no stinkin’ rest! (Yeah, I butchered that.) Seriously, I’m open to ideas and suggestions. I don’t qualify for disability yet, (haven’t worked long enough, nor have the required medical diagnosis). And I’ve been looking for desk jobs to no avail.