What do you think of when you see this flag? Who does this represent? What does this symbolize? For the longest part of my life, up until a couple days ago, this image represented freedom, liberty, ethics, morals, and good values. Justice even. I remember standing before a large flag mounted on the wall of my barracks when I was in Basic Training learning how to be an Airman in the Air Force. I remember shedding tears, despite the messages of being proud, tough, and emotionally calm. We all did.
But as of November 4th, 2024, this no longer symbolizes any of that. Instead, it screams hatred, fear, oppression, repression, tyranny, betrayal, and disgust.
I’m ashamed to be named as an American Citizen. I’m angered seeing all the vile disrespect aimed at women, even as young as school children being told by their male peers “Your body, my choice.” Seriously. I don’t care if they’re only teasing. I honestly think they’re serious though. I see the fear all over the various social media from left leaning allies, immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, I see the fed up anger coming from the BIPOC community, and rightly so. We’ve all been deeply betrayed. We have proud Nazi’s making plans, and Elites who, prior to now, have had to purchase their power in the form of lobbying the Government. But as of January 20, 2025, they will BE the power. An unstoppable power too, with nuclear launch codes and a fiercely trained military and police force dedicated to protect Them.
I’d like to take a moment to remind anybody who may have missed the memo, that the Conservatives don’t plan on handing power back peacefully in four, or even eight years. No, this is the new American reality. Imagine the worst from 1930s Germany, 1950s Soviet Union, 2000’s Taliban, and combine all that autocratic authority with all the money of the world. Be prepared for the replacement of the National Motto from “Land of the Free” to “Kneel and Fear Us”. These people have have decades putting the puzzle pieces together. This has been their plan all along. America isn’t going back to the 1950s, or even the 1850s. No, it’s going to look more like the 1050s Europe, only with technology— at least while it works. I imagine after a generation or two of the book bannings and lack of education that’s coming, once the tech breaks, this once prosperous land will be in the Dark Ages. Fitting.
So, from now on, I’m not an American Citizen. I’m just a caring soul living a Human experience. I’ll refer to the nation once known as the United States of America as Dystopia. Because that’s what this will look like, in my opinion. I think I’ll make a hat or T-shirt and cash out before I get arrested. And although I know that I’ll probably die soon as a member of the Alphabet Mafia, I’ll stick around to guide you all from the Other Side.
But I’m curious, what are your thoughts to this now obsolete flag? How do you feel in your body when you see it waving in your face? Because the only thing I feel is rage. And maybe that was the plan all along?
Okay, now I know I'm batshit crazy, but I just noticed on this flag, AND on the flag hanging on my wall (that I was about to take down) only have 49 stars! And an internet search shows flags with 49 stars. When did we loose a state, and which state was it?
What I see is what it will look like after we finally get enough signatures on that Texas secession petition, and then all the liberals move to Oklahoma and Louisiana and turn them blue. 😜
Ha! I kid the Texans! Sort of. 😏
Seriously, though, thank you for your service, really. We might have related backgrounds. And you should feel rage. But don't surrender your status as an American.
If it makes you feel any better, the rest of the world pretty much made the same mistake. Inflation happened everywhere, because of the pandemic, and so incumbents went down, *worldwide*. Yeah, it's sad that so many people in America can't understand that inflation was no one country's fault, but we aren't the only ones.
Once again, Trump got lucky. Some people say if it hadn't been for the pandemic he wouldn't have lost in 2020. There's really no way to know that, because 2020 would have looked totally different. But ironically it's almost certainly what got him a win here. That plus the ignorance of the common man.
Don't give up on your country. We aren't as bad as many are saying. We're ignorant, and bad actors exploit that. We have to educate people. And apparently we've gotta do it using social media, podcasts, and all the newer forms of communication out there. We need stuff on TikTok. We need more shows that are explicitly dedicated to debunking the right-wing propaganda that's ruining everything.
Americans aren't bad guys, but they've been fooled by the bad guys. Don't buy the hysteria that there won't be another election. That would be unfathomable. I know this Supreme Court has been pretty outrageous lately, but there is no room for interpretation in the Constitution—Trump can't run again. This Court already knows what people think of them. John Roberts is staring down the barrel of a judgement from history that he basically broke the American rule of law. Allowing something like that would put him in the history books alongside Benedict Arnold.
We'll recover from this. We will fight, and it might take the rest of our lives, but we'll recover. In the meantime, life will go on, so put away the thoughts of dying. Whenever I start thinking morbid things like that, I imagine the people in my life who would be devastated if I let something happen to myself, and that takes care of it. I'm sure you have loved ones who would feel exactly that same way about you.
Now go watch some Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya or something and cheer up.