I’m going to write this right now, while I’m feeling a surge of optimism.
You might be asking, “Kaitlyn, what did you do?!” I meditated. I lit a candle, closed my eyes, and breathed. I cleared my mind for about five minutes. Moving on.
I’ve been thinking about a lot of crap over the past couple of weeks. The impending doom that the Trump Administration is going to usher us in to a new era of destruction. He wants to deport basically anybody who isn’t white as the moon. He wants to eradicate people like me, non cis-hetero-normative people. He wants to subjugate women, forcing them to become mere breeding machines.
All of these things that he and his team of Project 2025 pawns are going to attempt to completely implode the US economy. Deporting a majority of the agricultural labor force is going to cause everyday food items to not only cost a lot more, but also will destroy the availability of these items. Get used to the idea that you’ll only be drinking orange juice during the late summer months, assuming you can afford $20 for a quart-sized jug. In fact, you’re better off just harvesting the oranges straight off the trees and processing the juice yourself. At least that way, you know that it hasn’t been tampered with, it’s guaranteed to be fresh, and it most likely won’t poison you. (Yeah, I know, I’m a bit redundant.)
Food is only one of the primary necessities that human beings require to have within a functional society. It’s a basic need for living. For survival. Water is needed too. In fact, water is more necessary than food is. You’ll die after about three or four weeks of starvation. You’ll only last about three days without fresh, clean drinking water. The other primary necessity that human beings need, that all life truly needs is shelter. That is, the ability to stay warm during the cold winter months, and relatively cool (and hydrated) during the hot summer months. Staying out of the rain is a good way to ensure that you won’t be burdened with pneumonia. Keeping your health will be paramount in the coming years. All of the things that I just mentioned, are needed for basic human survival. And all of these things will become increasingly unacceptable as the US economy plunges into hyperinflation and ultimately insolvency. Also known as bankruptcy. Believe it or not, the US Government has declared this stated at least four or five other times during our brief world history. The last time, was in 1933, I believe, and was part of the New Deal.
That New Deal has failed. Well, rather, it’s been sabotaged. Very slowly over years, and decades, with lie after lie. Propaganda and disinformation from powerful and influential people who have manipulated everybody and the very system that we all rely upon to keep society functioning, these Elites have exploited the system, the People to become insanely wealthy. With the current system about ready to disintegrate with reckless abandonment, we need an action plan.
As the first words in one of my favorite books state: “Don’t panic”, that’s the very first thing we need to do. Not panic. Oh, and you’ve got your towel, right? You’ll definitely need your towel for this exercise. The second thing that needs to be done is to identify what it is that we truly need to survive. Subtracting all the bullshit of politics and agendas, and deranged people involved within cults, we need clean water, sustainable foods, and adequate shelter. I guarantee you, that when the economy falls completely to shit, I’m not slaving away at a warehouse job for scraps anymore. Regardless of what anybody else says, it’s not the police or the government that keeps society functioning, it’s the economy. When that engine seizes, society breaks down into a Battle Royale. And you better have your wits about you. Have a plan of action.
As a trans-woman, I have the luxury of carrying a purse. But it’s not just any old purse. A few months ago, my everyday carry bag, my purse, a cheap $16 pleather bag with lots of lovely pockets was falling apart after only a year and a half of everyday, casual use. I decided to look for a fabric that was going to hold up for years. I settled on a Maxpedition bag, made with ballistic nylon or something. Inside, I carry some critical survival things with me. A fixed blade knife, a firesteel, a water straw, a steel water bottle, a book on medicinal and edible plants, and a notebook with pencil. While I know this isn’t complete, like I’d love to carry a tarp, paracord, compass, alternative fire starting methods, three days rations of food, etc, I haven’t been able to afford all that yet. Will any of this help me survive if I get stuck on my way home from work if the shit hits the fan? Probably not entirely, but it’s better to have something, rather than nothing at all. Am I paranoid for carrying all this crap with me everywhere I go? Probably. But I will say at least the book gives me something to read on the subway when my phone battery decides to die before I get home in the evening.
But having gear isn’t enough. Especially to last a minimum of four or more years. Because let’s face it, if the economy collapses, it’s probably going to look more like the Great Depression, which took, like ten years, and that was only because of World War 2 that helped the US get out of that funk. Thanks Baron Robbers of 1910-1920’s. I also have studied how to build a makeshift shelter. I’ve learned to identify structures within a city-scape that can provide some protection from not only the elements, but also other predators. I’ve learned how to experiment with cooking, and that includes eating the shit that doesn’t turn out quite right, instead of just ordering pizza. I’ve learned that when in doubt, be patient and observe the animals.
I know that it’s unrealistic to believe that anybody is going to be roughing it for years like this. But I imagine that if I happen to survive the round-ups, encampments, persecutions, and executions that the incoming Administration is preparing for, that this roughing-it phase will only last a few months. I may have to live like a Nomad for a while. I might have to be alone for quite a while too. I fear that my partner may not have the stamina to keep moving. Hell, I may not have the endurance either. My body is quite literally breaking down from years of employment abuse and hell that I’ve put myself through. But, these are possibilities that I have to keep in mind, as unpleasant as they are to think about.
However, I feel that I made a wise decision four years ago, and instead of moving back to Kentucky, a Red State, I decided to embrace destiny and I moved to Massachusetts, a very progressively minded Blue State. I feel welcome here as a trans-sister. I feel the love that people offer, despite many people from this Commonwealth being nominated as Massholes. And if my State calls upon me to defend my neighbors, siblings, and hopefully friends, despite being old, broken, and achy, I’ll gladly volunteer to put my life on the line. Because I took a vow in 2013 when I became a Wiccan, that I’d do no harm, unless in the defense of self or others who can not defend themselves.
Anyway, I’m beginning to ramble. The point here is to make a plan. My ideas may not work out. But at least I know that I won’t be panicking when the shit hits the fan. Grab some bottled water, some shelf stable foods now. Two weeks worth is a good start. Yes, hurricanes can strike this far north. I lived through the remnants of Ike in 2010. Had no power for a week in Cincinnati. And my father-in-law was a elderly diabetic. I remember it was cold out, I want to say it was like January? I could be wrong, but I remember every one of us was wrapped up in blankets trying to stay warm. But the point is, prepare now, even a little bit. We still have the Internet. Yeah, the incoming Administration might try to take that away too. Just something to think about. Learn how to make a sand/charcoal water filter. Because remember, you really only have three days to think about, if you don’t have access to clean water.