Welcome to Dystopia!
Welcome to the Official Dystopian Hellscape that used to be the Land of the Free.
Trigger Warning: Rated R for Language.
I went to bed last night with a sense of optimism. There was so much momentum of people saying they understood the assignment, they voted. Lines to cast a ballot were massive and I have to admit, I’ve never seen so many people voting. I was cautious against the Red Mirage, that I read about, seeing that many Conservative towns tend to be smaller, and thus the results are tabulated more quickly, and then the inevitable Blue Shift would come and save the day. But, I awoke to seeing this.
I feel sick. And I know it’s a feeling beyond just fighting a virus, because yesterday, I took the day off from work to recover (luckily, I mailed in my vote a couple of weeks ago). But this feeling of nausea is different. I feel it in my soul. As if God Himself reached into my chest and twisted my heart as if giving me a Texan Titty Twister. It hurts.
I haven’t been able to read all 920 pages of the Mandate for Leadership, also known as Project 2025. I was able to read a collective 30-some-odd pages before feeling ill. And if by some chance, you have no idea what this is, in a nutshell, it’s Fascism 2.0. Say goodbye to your rights of Free Speech, Education, and dare I say Bodily Autonomy. If you’re not white, the Conservatives want to deport you. If you’re part of the Alphabet Mafia (LGBTQ+), you’ll be round up and placed into internment camps, to slave away the remainder of your life before being executed. If you’re a woman, be prepared to be turned into a birthing machine. And I don’t even want to think about your new life if you’re under 18. I hope you don’t mind a life of servitude. Oh, and you mind as well bid farewell to the other Constitutional Rights you think you have, because this new Administration wants to suspend the Constitution. Indefinitely, so I’ve heard. Fear not, your guns are next. If you’re not an independently wealthy land owner, you’re considered an Enemy of the State now. Be prepared to surrender your weapons. We can’t have the Peasants rising up to challenge the ultimate authority of the land.
Your, and my lives changed this morning. Because what the Conservatives have done is ensure that any possibility of a 2028 election Does. Not. Happen. The President is officially above ALL laws, he is now a king, hell, he is now a god. And to think that we lived in the land of the free. Yup, if you’ve got lots of wealth, you’re free to exploit anybody and anything without consequence. This country no longer has any sense of Justice, and will surely fall under rampant immorality. I mean, really. We have a convicted felon as our leader. What could possibly go wrong?
There’s no where to run to. The United States of America has the worlds best military force, and has a nuclear arsenal that can destroy the world a thousand times over, with missiles that can reach damn near anywhere in the Solar System. Even though I live in a blue state, there’s no guarantee that I’ll be save. No. I have 75 days of freedom left before the power exchange happens. Seriously, I don’t even feel motivated to go to work anymore. What’s the point? Knowing that as a member of the LGBTQ population, I’ll be rounded up and imprisoned just for living authentically. Forced into slavery working conditions and then probably murdered because, fuck that. I vowed never to return to prison. Fuck this shit. And being Caucasian won’t save me either. We’re all in this sinking Titanic together, having run into Iceberg Trump. Nobody is coming to save us. I’m sure other countries who aren’t authoritarian regimes are shaking in their boots right now too.
So much for Astrology stating that times are changing. Yup, they are, and apparently not for the best either. The systems of old will crumble, that being the illusions we had of freedom. Only to be replaced by the cold hard reality that the American Dream, land of opportunity, home of the brave, was all just a lie. Congratulations. Welcome to the ShitShow! I’m your host, Turd McFearson. We’re fucked.