By the Numbers
I was just reading on somebody else’s Notes that the year 2025 is a Perfect Square (of 45). I didn’t realize this, and perhaps that maybe why I’m feeling optimistic today, instead of feeling full of dread, as I have since the U.S. Presidential Election in November. Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and even Astrology are weaving a complex tale of hope and betterment for all of Humanity.
In the same Notes post, there was another observation made. If we take a sequence of numbers, and cube each one, we also end up with 2025:
At first I thought that 2025 was not only a perfect square but a perfect cube! But no, it is however, some bastardization of a cubical factorial, if that’s even the name of an existing mathematical function. If not, I’m coining it. I could make a hat. Maybe I could create a cool symbol for it, like:
Anyway, in Numerology, the number 9 represents Illusion and Reality. There are only two letters assigned to the number nine, those being I and R, while every other letter in the English Alphabet has three letters assigned to each number. Nine is a super special number, being that no other numbers when creating a pattern of numerical sequences result in nine. Let’s look at the following sequence when we double each number:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16 (7), 32 (5), 64 (1), 128 (2), 256 (4), 512 (8), 1024 (7), 2048 (5), 4096 (1), etc The numbers repeat 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, and then start over again with 1. However the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are absent from this pattern. If we examine the doubling beginning with the number 3 we get 6, and then double that, we get 12 (3), double that 24 (6), double that 48 (12 (3)). We see that only the numbers 3 and 6 repeat. So where is 9?
Nine is the Almighty number. It is sacred. Which also means that it’s damn powerful too. Some people consider this number to be magical. A master manifestation number. For it embodies both the illusions we harbor, but also the reality that we live in.
The number nine also represents the completion of a cycle. After all, the next number in the default sequence is zero again, represented with the addition of a tens digit of one (10). Thus the cycle begins anew, and as a result, Nine initiates a transformation process to begin. Nine’s are wise, and have gathered a vast amount of experience, building on top of the other numbers. But the number nine can also sacrifice too much, being the kind, tolerant soul they are, wishing that others need not traverse through the hardships the Nine has endured. This may lead towards being resentful and even suffrage, which creates a feedback loop in itself.
Grinding the Gears
There’s more going on here than just Numerology. Astrology has a thing or two to say about the year 2025. I’m not the only person who can tell you that this year is going to be a doozy. Let’s catalog all of the transits that are occurring this year. In fact, we’ve already began in November.
Pluto moved into the sign of Aquarius on November 19. This is the longest duration cycle, reaching completion every 248 years. And Pluto will remain in Aquarius for nearly 20 years! It is during this time that Humanity will officially enter the Age of Aquarius in 2030. Pluto signifies transformation, death, and rebirth. Let’s take a step backwards for a moment. Pluto moved into the sign of Capricorn on January 26, 2008. I certainly remember the chaos that was occurring back then. I had found myself unemployed, and it was nearly impossible to land a new job. Why? Capricorn is the sign of Hierarchy, Structure, Finance. A New Order was established right under our collective noses during that transit. During the last 16 years, the American Economy has experienced a massive bubble, and as a result, the very structures that allowed that to happen are beginning to show signs of fatigue, even collapse. The sign of Aquarius centers around the energies of the Collective, Society, Technology, Spirituality. And look at what is emerging? Artificial Intelligence, Web3, Decentralized Currencies. People are “awakening” to seeing all the dirty nitty gritty that’s been exploiting them over the years, generations even! And we’re all collectively sick and tired, no exhausted, of it all. We The People demand change. Fear not, it’s coming.
The North Node moves into Pisces on January 11. This astrological body actually moves in Retrograde throughout its 18 year cycle, and passes through each sign for approximately 18 months. But what is the North Node? This is a body of energy that reflects what your soul’s purpose and lessons are to be completed during this lifetime. Okay, great, but that changes signs every 18 months, so what? Well, in only 10 short days, this energy will be entering Pisces, the place of Dreams and Healing, but also centers around creativity! We’re about to see an explosion of new projects and endeavors within Society once this energy takes hold. Be sure to keep a sketchpad, notepad and pencil or an App on your phone on standby to take voice notes. We’re going to witness new technologies come to life, and because this is also the sign of healing, expect to process through a bunch of Shadow Work during the next 18 months. Setting boundaries, standing up for yourself, speaking truth. The term authenticity comes to mind. The masks are coming off that Society, the Elite, Oppressors in general have forced upon us to wear! This is very positive energy, but be prepared to let go of all the sadness, resentment, bitterness, and hatred that you’ve held deep down inside, because your soul will be processing it. Watch your spicy words, and have the tissues on standby.
Neptune moves into Aries on March 30. Neptune represents divine compassion. We all know that Venus is the planet associated with love, well, think of Neptune as the next octave higher in frequency, a harmonic even. While Venus deals with love on the individual level, Neptune deals with it on a much grander scale. Think Society, or even Civilization as a whole. Aries is well known for leadership, needing attention, and competition. So combined, what does that mean. It seems that the two concepts of Neptune and Aries are contradictory. Not quite. It means that compassion will become the leadership role for Humanity. I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to see a pattern form, that is, the Collective of Humanity is moving toward the spirit of love and cooperation, rather than division and competition. And this energy will be with us for at least the next ten years!
Saturn moves into Aries on May 24. We’ve already discussed that Aries loves attention and wants to be in charge. Saturn, on the other hand, relates to responsibility, hard work, and discipline. In my opinion, that means that all this love that’s abound from Neptune, and the North Node, and all that won’t be just given willy-nilly, and freely. It must be earned, meaning that each and every one of us needs to be the better person. We need to work to build each other up. There is no room in the coming age for laziness, and being completely dependent on other. Yes, even the disabled can still work hard, albeit, differently. And as for the Wealthy Elite, well, the days of that specific lifestyle are quickly coming to an end. Everybody is going to have to put in some hard work in this new age. Check out Uranus coming up…
Jupiter moves into Cancer on June 9. Jupiter is the planet of luck, growth, abundance, optimism, even understanding. There is a reason why the ancient Romans revered Jupiter as king of the gods. Cancer deals with the home, family, domestic matters, and the well-being of those whom support you. This energy suggests more soothing of the self and healing work will be taking place, but in a big way, because let’s face it, Jupiter is a massive influence. This points to small collectives organizing to meet the basic needs of everybody in the community. This could include not only your immediate family and loved ones, but also your neighbors. Now might be a good time to reacquaint yourself. Who knows, maybe you share an unknown hobby, and that might prove to be very useful in the near future.
Uranus moves into Gemini on July 7. The planet Uranus moves into the sign of Gemini. Uranus is all about rebellion, shaking things up, and knocking the status quo on its ass. The energies are extremely individualistic, and center around uniqueness. So despite all the other planets focusing on the collective, Uranus has to be the rebel in the group and do its own thing. This can’t be good, right? While Gemini deals with dialog, discussion, research, and sharing the information they find. There will no doubt be a revolution taking place. And we see it happening on a smaller scale, even today. People are sharing their experiences on Social Media, pointing out that what we’re living and experiencing isn’t aligning with what the mainstream media is stating. If we look at history, we can easily see that rather unsettling events take place every freakin’ time Uranus pops a seat in Gemini’s house. (I promise, there’s a joke in there!) The following is a Historical list (generated using ChatGPT as a summary) of the last four repetitions of this cycle:
Last Four or Five Uranus in Gemini Cycles:
World War II (1939–1945): Uranus entered Gemini during a critical period of global upheaval. The war saw revolutionary advancements in technology (e.g., radar, cryptography, and the atomic bomb) and changes in global communication (e.g., propaganda, radio).
Post-war Reconstruction: The transition into the post-war era introduced the United Nations and the foundations of the Cold War.
Birth of the Computer Age: ENIAC, one of the earliest general-purpose computers, was developed in 1945.
American Civil War (1861–1865): Uranus in Gemini coincided with a conflict emphasizing the communication divide between the North and South in the U.S., leading to the abolition of slavery.
Advances in Communication: This era saw the establishment of the Pony Express (1860) and the completion of the first transatlantic telegraph cable (1858), revolutionizing long-distance communication.
Scientific Developments: Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859) introduced groundbreaking ideas.
American Revolution (1775–1783): The period marked the colonies' rebellion against British rule, resulting in the United States' independence.
Intellectual Advancements: The Enlightenment was in full swing, influencing revolutionary ideals and fostering debates on liberty and human rights.
Communication Evolution: Revolutionary pamphlets and printing played crucial roles in mobilizing public opinion.
Scientific Revolution: The period saw an increased emphasis on science and reason, with Isaac Newton’s work becoming foundational to modern physics.
Political Changes: This era included significant developments in governance, including the Glorious Revolution's aftermath, influencing constitutional monarchies.
Media and Literacy: The spread of printed newspapers and books fostered a more informed public.
Age of Exploration: This era featured intensified global exploration, including the establishment of colonies and trade routes.
Scientific Renaissance: Galileo's telescopic discoveries in the early 1600s reshaped humanity’s understanding of the cosmos.
Cultural Flourishing: Shakespeare and other writers significantly contributed to literature and intellectual growth.
There are clear indications of major societal unrest and disruption of the status quo during these times, and I suspect that we, as a collective, shall see more fundamental shifts towards more progressive ideologies. We can already see this playing out right now. The Powers That Be are desperately clinging onto the power they have, as they feel it slipping through their fingers. They know that they can not stop what is coming. Call it the Spiritual Awakening, Societal Revolution, or simply Establishing Individual Boundaries and Using Self-Care. Change is upon us, and while it may be frightening to prepare for, and certainly not everybody is going to make this journey unscathed to the other side during this transition, it is a much needed transformation, especially if we wish to remain as a thriving species on the planet known as Earth.
One final note about the Astrological dates. I don’t know if you noticed it, but I certainly have. 1/11 and 7/7 are both known as Portal Dates. I’m not sure what exactly this means, however, I do know it has something to do with manifestation energy, so you should take advantage of it! And advantage we shall indeed take!
Goals, Dreams, and Achievements
It’s probably a good idea to write down some specific goals that you want to accomplish this year. Detail them out. No, it doesn’t have to be today on the first, although, again, Portal Dates. But take your time with these. After you’ve brainstormed a list, begin thinking about how you’re going to achieve those goals. Make a battle plan. Attack! In fact, I would recommend using a SMART goal. Make it Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Anyway, I have an initial goal of having my 2025 goals completed before the 1/11 transit! Yeah, I’m totally taking advantage of all the Universal Assistance I can get. So what are my goals for this awesomely powerful year? I’m glad you asked!
I’ve determined that I want to stop being dependent upon my nine-to-five job this year. After all, with all the chaos that’s erupting all around, the stability of holding on to a corporate job is even disintegrating before our eyes. We have to rely upon ourselves to make it though this time of transformation. I’ve actually already began this endeavor last year, by starting to use SubStack, the community of this place, and I’ve learned quite a bit in only a couple of months using this platform. But, Kaitlyn, how in the world do you expect to gain at least 834 paid subscribers by the end of the year? Especially given the upcoming chaos! I’m going to start small. I’m first going to settle for a target number of five paid subscriptions. Why five? Because between my domain registrations and personal web space, that I may or may not keep, I haven’t decided yet, I’ll need to generate $250 for the year. At $50 per annual subscription, that means I need five brave souls to take walks with my crazy brigade of personalities. I don’t need these online treats, however, it makes it a lot easier for people to connect to a memorable domain name, than to And five is a semi-round number. There’s five fingers on my hand, so even I can count that high! But there’s a problem. While the target number of five is measurable, it’s not a metric that I can necessarily control. But what I can do is commit to writing at least one quality article each week, and pray to the gods, do a funny little dance while spinning around in a circle, and crossing my toes that somebody will be gracious enough to bless me with a subscription— only because they find my either informative or just plain bat-shit crazy and funny. I’m not sure which yet. But that’s not going to generate the number of subscribers I need, and I know that.
Which is why I’ve started a second publication. While this one will be my personal blog space, and my creativity corner focusing on chaotic anime fiction, my new publication will be an informative place for role playing gaming systems. I’ll break down interesting and often forgotten about or overlooked systems that are indeed fun to play, and may perhaps scratch that hard-to-reach itch in the middle of your back. People probably may not care so much about being entertained with the chaotic humor of anime, but people might be more willing to pony up a subscription for gaining some of my gaming and leadership experience as a game master. I plan to release at least one meaty and comprehensive review of a game system every two weeks, and sprinkle additional nuggets of wisdom throughout that time. But why so long between releases? Because I’m only given about 15 hours per week of time when I can zone out while commuting to work. Instead of being a degenerate doom-scrolling on TikTok, since that’s going away later this month, I can reinvest that wasted time into doing something more productive, like reading actual books! Well, digital archives anyway. My locker at work simply isn’t large enough to hold both my purse and a core rule book. Besides, not only would I trust the books from becoming damaged from trying to shoe-horn them into such a tiny space, and fear them of being stolen, but, I don’t own the physical books. PDF’s are cheaper and more accessible to me.
I’d like to connect with at least one other person every month who is a fan of either anime or role playing. Bonus points for adoring both, because I really need some community in my life. I’ve lived in the Boston area for going on five years now, and still don’t really have anybody that I would consider a friend. This year, I’m going to change that. And I hope that SubStack will be my gateway into that realm. Granted, this would most likely result in online friendships, but I have to start somewhere, and online is better than nowhere. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky and find somebody close by. With a car. (I’d also like to point out that I’m not completely alone, as I do live with my partner, fiancee.)
I’m going to launch one if not two businesses this year. I’ve already began working on my anime studio, The Anime Brigade, but I’m also working with my fiancee to launch her dream of starting a e-zine publishing company. There’s still quite a bit of work to do, but luckily we live in an age with ChatGPT, so writing a business plan has been greatly simplified. Money is the hardest obstacle we face, but I’m determined as Hell to get ‘er done! And I’ve started three prior businesses on a shoestring budget before. Maybe the fourth time is the charm?
Growing slowly and steadily, developing multiple income steams, I believe is the way to go towards achieving a self-autonomous income-generating environment. Once I get my anime studio up and running, I’ll want to have one major product completed by the end of the year. While this may not necessarily be a feature length anime series, it at least hope to have the entire screenplay drafted before December hits. This is something that I’ve wanted for more than a couple of years now. And with the help of ChatGPT and my soon-to-be Internet comrades, I know that I’ll accomplish my goals!
In closing, I’m publishing this to not only hold myself accountable, but so that I can reflect upon it throughout the year. I want to inspire others to follow their hearts, because this year, is the year of the Heart. We’ve been dreaming for relief for years now. This year, I believe that we’ll achieve it. But it’s going to take some hard work and dedication to get to the other side. So, during the year of 2025…. Let’s do our best!
Liking this so I can read it later