The Otaku Library
Behold! The vast expanses of the never-ending columns of towering book shelves crammed with the adventures that I have written are all neatly organized and categorized for your easier-than-even indexing pleasure! For each story, there’s an introduction, and a Table of Contents for each entry.
The Magical Girl Misfits
Hikari Amaretasu recently graduated from SPARK and has been assigned to the ultra secretive Arcane Forces Command and is finally going to be following her heart to become one of the few, proud, and honorable Magical Girls, just like the ones she's admired since she was a little girl watching television. However, her new squad isn't quite what she had in mind.
Her commander, Quinn Harper, is a coffee addict who's only mission in life is to retire. Matilda Weber, is a spooky goth emo girl who loves ballistics and oversized weapons. Avery Fairchild III only cares about her tech. And Kai Hart seems to be the only member actively trying to keep the team together with their balance and calm tact.
Upon realizing that she's been assigned to the Screwball Outcast Squad (S.O.S.) Brigade, her dreams of conquering evil villains hellbent on delivering the destruction of Earth, or apprehending troublesome time-traveling menaces are swept away and replaced with the jobs that no sane person would touch with a ten-foot stick, such as defeating stinky seven-foot tall cockroaches regurgitating acid strong enough to melt tank armor, to do whatever bugs like to do.
But, being the optimist that she is, Hikari will see this adventure through to the end, just like her years of mage training at the academy, and she's confident that everything will work out in the end. She will get to save the day and be a heroine for some other little girl out in the world -- But because everything is classified, probably not!
Chapter 01: “A Sparkling New Recruit”
The Chains of Rebirth
This story is a fan fiction I wrote on good old fashioned pen and paper nearly a decade ago. It’s based from the point of view of Fate Testarossa from the anime Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, while I was going through a rough patch in my life. I’m attempting to rebuild this story because it was lost during one of my relocations and I remember the people who read this showed considerable support, despite never of hearing of this anime title before. The following series of stories has been a recompilation of more than ten original novelettes that I wrote, each spanning more than 100 pages each. I have redrafted the outlines to capture the non-overlapping pieces of story into this collection of six books that span the range of Fate’s life from age nine to 15 (beginning at the end of First Season and ending just prior to the start of StrikerS, the Third Season).
Book I: The Chains of Birth
Fate had just said her good-bye’s to Nanoha on Earth, and departed aboard the Arthra to face her criminal court hearing by the Space-Time Administration Bureau. (Spoiler: We know she makes it through fine), but, what exactly was she subjected to?